01 Our Cigars
We are one of the world’s leading cigar specialists. Whether you are a novice to cigars or a cigar aficionado, we offer a complete range of Cuban cigars as well as other famous cigar brands from around the world. We aim to provide everything the cigar aficionado will ever need, which gives you the opportunity to experiment with new brands, flavours and aromas. We have a committed team of experts who are trained to be helpful and knowledgeable in all cigar matters. We look forward to see you as our new customer.
The Cigar Club 02
Our world famous Cigar Club. Discover the ultimate destination for cigar enthusiasts at iamcigar.com! With every order you unlock a world of premium flavors and unmatched experiences. As a valued member, you'll not only enjoy the finest cigars but also be the first to savor new releases and updates. Elevate your passion for cigars with I Am Cigar and indulge in a community that celebrates the art of relaxation and sophistication.
We Work Years
Looking for high-quality cigars at affordable prices? Look no further than iamcigar.com! Our website offers a vast selection of premium cigars from the industry's top brands, all backed by our commitment to exceptional customer service. Shop with us today and experience the convenience of fast, reliable shipping and unbeatable value.
03 Our cigar Specials
Here at I am Cigar, we appreciate our loyal customers. This is why we’re committed to offering you the best online deals on your favorite smokes! We consistently refresh our discounts and bargain packages so you can continuously experience new flavors and fun accessories without having to empty your pockets.
Cohiba Siglo II …………………
Made from the finest Vuelta Abajo tobacco.
Cohiba Robustos ……………..
An ideal burn, combining balanced strength and flavor.
Cohiba Siglo VI ………………
Considered today, as one of Cuba’s finest cigars.
Cohiba Esplendidos ……………….
Total class, and the perfect way for a great evening.
Trinidad Coloniales …………………
The Trinidad cigar that can be enjoyed by everyone.
Trinidad Vigia ………………
Time will improve this cigar into another dimension.
Trinidad Fundadores …….
Rumored to be Castro’s favorite cigar.
Partagas Mille Fleurs …………………
The most affordable handmade Cuban Partagas.
Partagas Lusitanias ………………
This is a cigar for the connoisseur.
Partagas Serie E No.2 …….
Leather, earth and rich wood are present in bucket loads.
Romeo y Julieta Línea de Oro Dianas …………………
145th Anniversary Luxury Cigar Experience.
Romeo y Julieta Belicosos ………………
Medium in strength, and abundant in taste.
Romeo & Julieta Churchills …….
Exclusively produced for Winston Churchill.
Montecristo No.1 …………………
The most recognizable Cuban cigar in production today.
Montecristo Doble Edmundo …………………
Full spectrum of aromas and flavors.
Montecristo Open Eagle ………………
Dominated by light woodiness and never aggressive.
04 Our Clients Say
Contact Us 05
Let us assist you with any questions you have about products and orders.
Our I am Cigar Advisors can provide expert guidance and can customize a solution that meets any need you have, large or small.
Economische Zone Hato D.I.31
Willemstad, Curacao
+1 347 352 3592